Pistol Licences


The club expects you to attend the NRA section (Sunday mornings in and around the clubhouse) at least 6 times of your 12 qualifying B cat attendances for training, and also for the training officer to be able to make an informed decision as to your suitability to own a pistol.


If you want to attain your B Cat Licence, you must attend the club and partake in the club activity of the day 12 (twelve) times in 6 (six) months (You will also have attained your A Cat licence by this time).  During this time you must have sat and passed the Pistol New Zealand Safety Test (which also qualifies you as a Club Range Officer).  This test must be sat before your B Cat application can proceed.


You then go the local Post Office and pay your fees (currently $250) and they will give you a receipt.  Take this receipt to the Police Station in Invercargill and they will hand you an Application for B Cat Licence form.  Fill this in and hand to a committee member to discuss at the next committee meeting for the club decision before the application can proceed through to Pistol NZ and then to the Police.


There is no compulsion to attain your B Cat Licence.  You can continue to enjoy the facilities and use the club guns for as long as you wish.  If you wish to be Holster trained the application form for the test papers are on the Pistol New Zealand website.


Any pistol purchase after your B Cat has been approved must be approved by the club committee before proceeding to the NZ Police for their paperwork to be completed.

NZ Police Information: